
Follow-up of Performance and Compliance Reports

December 2000
The report was discussed by the Legislative Assembly’s Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts on December 5, 2001.

Report on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Budget Process Review Panel

September 2000
A report on the implementation of the recommendations made by the Budget Process Review Panel.

Fostering a Safe Learning Environment: How the British Columbia Public School System Is Doing

June 2000
Assesses whether B.C.'s public schools are learning environments where students feel physically and psychologically safe.

Towards a More Accountable Government: Putting Ideas Into Practice

February 2000
Discusses accountability reforms that were targeted at bringing about a more open, transparent and accountable government.

Report on Government Financial Accountability for the 1998/99 Fiscal Year Parts I and II

January 2000
An annual report to inform legislators and the public about the Auditor General’s opinion of government’s Summary Financial Statements.  

Special Report: Financial Administration of Vote 1

January 2000
Report issued to the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, as Chair of the Legislative Assembly Management Committee.
