
Shaping Transit's Future in British Columbia

October 2013
This report provides an overview of the three areas that are key in shaping the future of transit: policy and governance, funding and design of transit services. It also includes observations regarding the context in which BC Transit is pursuing this significant growth strategy. In addition, it contains questions for provincial ministries, BC Transit, and local governments to consider as they work to increase ridership and develop a sustainable transportation system.

Audit Opinions Are Important: A discussion on the qualified audit opinion on B.C.'s 2012/13 Summary Financial Statements

August 2013
This information bulletin discusses the Auditor General's qualified audit opinion on B.C.'s 2012/13 Summary Financial Statements.

Annual Report 2012/13 and the 2013/14 -2015/16 Service Plan

June 2013
The annual report on the Office's performance and financial position, as well as the service plan for the upcoming years.

Follow-up Report: Updates on the Implementation of Recommendations from Recent Reports (April 2013)

April 2013
This follow-up report contains the self-assessed progress of ministries and organizations in implementing the recommendations from recent reports. It also contains the results of the Office's two first examinations of self-assessed progress. This report was discussed by the Legislative Assembly's Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts on February 4, 2015 and June 3, 2015.

School District Board Governance Examinations

April 2013
This report assesses school board structures and activities as well as the Ministry of Education's support for school district governance and accountability. Three school districts – SD36 Surrey, SD75 Mission and SD27 Cariboo-Chilcotin – were selected for inclusion in this compendium report of governance examinations. This report was discussed by the Legislative Assembly's Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts on November 21, 2013.

Public Sector Board Use of Information in British Columbia 2012: Progress Update Since 2009

April 2013
This project examines whether boards of B.C.'s government entities are receiving and using the information needed to effectively fulfill their functions, and to assess progress since our report of December 2009: Making the Right Decisions: Information Use by the Boards of Public Sector Organizations. This project is based on a self-assessment survey administered to all board members and corporate representatives of B.C.’s public sector organizations that are governed by a board, and seeks to answer whether board members:  understand their information needs have access to the information they require to fulfill their responsibilities? have access to high quality information? understand how to use the information they receive? use the information they receive? evaluate the quality and quantity of information they receive? This report was discussed by the Legislative Assembly's Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts on February 4, 2015.

Audit of the Evergreen Line Rapid Transit System

March 2013
The purpose of this audit was to determine whether MOTI and Partnerships British Columbia provided government with sufficient, rigorous information to enable it to make well-informed decisions. To do this, we asked: 1. Did these two agencies provide sufficient, rigorous information to recommend the project (scope) option most likely to cost-effectively meet government’s objectives? 2. Did these two agencies demonstrate that the recommended P3 arrangement represented the best procurement solution, taking account of the expected costs, benefits and risks? This report was discussed by the Legislative Assembly's Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts on November 19, 2013. A progress audit report was issued February 2017.
