
Budget Process Examination Phase 2: Forecasting for Operating Expense, Capital Spending and Debt

April 2017
This report provides independent assurance on the operating expenses, capital spending and debt forecasts in the 2015/16 - 2017/18 Budget and Fiscal Plan. This is the second phase of our examination of government's budgeting processes - we published Budget Process Examination (Phase 1): Revenue in June 2015.

An Audit of BC Housing's Non-Profit Asset Transfer Program

March 2017
In 2013, the Ministry of Natural Gas Development and Responsible for Housing established the Non-Profit Asset Transfer (NPAT) program as part of its Housing Matters BC Strategy update. The program involves the transfer of select provincially-owned land and building assets to the non-profit housing sector. This report looks at whether: The Ministry Responsible for Housing has demonstrated that the potential benefits of the NPAT program outweigh its costs and risks. The BC Housing Management Commission has managed implementation of the NPAT program to achieve program objectives.

PRIME-BC - A Security Audit

March 2017
The Police Records Information Management Environment (PRIME-BC) is B.C.s integrated police IT system. This is our second audit of the system, and we focused on whether the security controls are adequate to safeguard information within the PRIME BC system, which holds large amounts of highly sensitive and confidential information critical to the delivery of policing services.

Health Funding Explained 2

March 2017
The Health Funding Explained II information project is not a traditional audit, but an informative report that is designed to help the public and legislators understand how provincial health care dollars are being spent. This is the second time the Office of the Auditor General has undertaken an extensive public information project to help explain the funding of the health sector.

An Audit of B.C. Public Service Ethics Management

March 2017
This audit looked at the effectiveness of the framework that has been established for ethical conduct within the core B.C. Public Service.

The 2015/16 Public Accounts and the Auditor General's Findings

February 2017
A review of government’s 2015/16 Summary Financial Statements, an explanation of the Auditor General’s audit opinion on the statements and some interesting highlights from the fiscal year.

Progress Audit: Integrated Case Management System

February 2017
This progress audit looked at whether the Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation has fairly and accurately represented its progress implementing the recommendations made in Integrated Case Management System, originally published in March 2015.
