Publications: 2024

An Audit of the Adult Custody Division's Correctional Facilities and Programs

January 2015
This audit assesses whether the Adult Custody Division is planning for, and providing, the facilities and programs it needs to meet its mandate. It contains eight recommendations. This report was discussed by the Legislative Assembly's Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts on April 29, 2015.

Distinguishing Between Government Program & Partisan Political Advertising: An Update to Our 1996 Report

November 2014
Looks at the importance of distinguishing between government advertisements for the purpose of informing citizens versus partisan political advertisements. Recommendations include providing guidance in this area to civil servants. This report was discussed by the Legislative Assembly's Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts on February 5, 2015.

The 2014 Summary Financial Statements and the Auditor General's Findings

October 2014
This annual report reviews government’s 2013/14 summary financial statements, as well as explains the Auditor General’s Audit Opinion. A new section this year looks at the bigger picture of the statements. This report was discussed by the Legislative Assembly's Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts on December 8, 2014.

Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan for Fiscal Years 2015/2016 through 2017/2018

September 2014
The Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan outlines a three-year financial audit plan for the Auditor General, detailing which government organizations our Office will audit directly and which will be audited by private sector auditors.The plan is prepared according to the Auditor General Act and professional auditing standards, and presented to the Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts for approval.

Annual Report and Financial Statements 2013/14

August 2014
The annual report on the Office's performance and financial position with accompanying financial statements.

Follow-Up Report: Updates on the Implementation of Recommendations from Recent Reports

June 2014
This follow-up report provides audit level assurance on four of the 18 self-assessments from ministries and organizations in implementing recommendations from recent reports, verifies progress for 26 recommendations from four reports, and contains a follow-up to our 2011 report on BC Hydro. This report was discussed by the Legislative Assembly's Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts on February 4, 2015 and June 4, 2015.

Understanding Canadian Public Sector Financial Statements

June 2014
This guide is to help readers – specifically those who are not familiar with public sector financial statements – improve their ability to review and interpret government financial reports. An article based on this report appears in CPA BC's In Focus Magazine (Sept/Oct 2014) on pages 32 and 33. Information on preparing public sector financial statements, in accordance with Canadian Public Sector Accounting Standards, can be found here.
