Auditor General’s Opinion on the Audit of Selected Police Complaints & Investigations Under Part 11 of the Police Act

Date: November 29, 2012

On May 31, 2012, the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia appointed a Special Committee to Inquire into the Use of Conducted Energy Weapons and to Audit Selected Police Complaints (“the Committee”).

Included in the Committee’s terms of reference is the following paragraph:

“…pursuant to section 51.2 of the act, the committee must, before January 1, 2013 conduct an audit respecting the outcome or resolution of randomly selected complaints and investigations under Part 11 of the act and must submit a report to the Legislative Assembly respecting the results of the audit to the Legislative Assembly within one year after the date of the appointment of the Special Committee.”

In accordance with section 13(2) of the Auditor General Act, the Auditor General of British Columbia was appointed by the Special Committee to conduct an audit to determine whether the outcome or resolution of randomly selected complaints and investigations concluded between April 1, 2010, and August 31, 2012, were, in all significant respects, completed in compliance with Part 11 of the Police Act.

The Auditor General’s opinion is available on the Legislative Assembly’s website.

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